Monday, September 18, 2017

Last call for APECS Canada Board Applications!

A brief deadline extension and LAST CALL FOR BOARD APPLICATIONS!

We are looking for new board members/renewal of current board members: Applications are open for our APECS Canada Board!

For more information on our group, go here:

To join, please submit applications here by midnight PST today September 18th:

We look forward to reading your applications!


Glacial Balance Screening - Ottawa - September 19th!

Hello everyone,

ehPECS, the Canadian National Committee of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) & Daltonic Films are proud to screen Glacial Balance as part of the 2nd Polar Film Fest. This is a documentary about a journey along the spine of the Andes mountain range, from Colombia to Argentina. Expect to learn about the science behind what is happening in the natural world and what may happen in the future, and the lives of those who are first affected by the dwindling tropical glacier reserve.
The screening of the film will be September 19th in SMD125 from 6:00 - 7:45 PM, followed by a Q & A session with glaciologists from 8:00 - 9:00 PM.
Our expert glaciologists can answer any of your questions:
  • Dr. Luke Copland - University of Ottawa
  • Dr. Derek Mueller - Carleton University
  • Brittany Main - University of Ottawa
  • Anna Crawford - Carleton University
Free event and open to the public! RSVP and event info can be found here.
Come and learn about glaciers and ask any questions you may have! This is an event taking place during the International Polar Week 2017 celebration.
Thanks and hope to see everyone there!

Jean Holloway
BSc, MSc
PhD Candidate 
Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics
University of Ottawa

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fwd: Massive Open Online Course on Northern Quebec

Hi All - I thought this might be of interest to the APECS Canada community.



Massive Open Online Course:
Northern Quebec: issues, spaces and cultures

This MOOC offers an introduction to social and political issues of northern Quebec, a territory that is also the traditional home of Inuit, Cree and Innus. The course will provide participants a better understanding of the cultures of northern populations, the place the North occupies in the collective imagination, and its sociopolitical development. It also explores the conflicting visions for development of the territory and give a voice to northerners and academics who work in the North.

This MOOC is aimed at anyone interested in Northern Quebec and in learning more about its territory, cultures, history, societies, and issues.
Professor in charge of this MOOC: Thierry Rodon, Department of Political Science, Laval University.

This MOOC is an initiative of the Institut nordique du Québec (INQ), which gathers three founding universities: l'Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Laval University, and McGill University. 

Registration: Until October 30, 2017
Course from October 10 to December 4, 2017
Watch the promotional teaser
Module 1 : Envisioning the North: between science and imagination
Module 2 : Migrations and Encounters
Module 3 : Indigenous Peoples: Between Recognition and Neglect
Module 4 : Northern Development: Homeland vs Hinterland
Module 5 :  Regional governances
Module 6 : The Northern Political Economy
Module 7 : Which Development for the North?


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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Two important deadlines coming up: ASA-APECS Canada Mentor Award AND ehpecs Board Applications

Hello APECS Canada and friends,


There are two important deadlines coming up soon!


1) ASA-APECS Canada Mentor Award: This is the second call for nominations!


It is time to nominate a meaningful mentor in your life for the APECS-ASA Mentor Award! Mentors offer crucial contributions to study, research, and professional life. They help to establish supportive scientific communities. Information here:  and see poster attached.


We encourage you as an ehPECS or ASA member, to nominate a mentor in your career or research world. The nomination deadline is Friday 15 September at 23:59 PST.


2) Applications to APECS-Canada's board are open. The deadline for applying is also Friday 15 September. Information below!


Hope you had a great summer and looking forward to hearing your nominations and applications! Please feel free to distribute these calls widely in your networks!




for the APECS Canada Board


INFORMATION FOR BOARD APPLICATIONS_______________________________

Le français suit. 

Hello APECS Canada and friends,

Applications are now open for the 2017-2018 APECS Canada Board! 

APECS Canada is a diverse group of early career scientists who are part of the larger APECS network. We are involved in polar research, whether in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, and live or work in Canada. Our research runs the gamut – from ocean sciences to political sciences, from people, birds and whales to plants and permafrost…you name it, we've likely got it!

APECS Canada has a board formed of members from across Canada and we will be working over the coming months and years to create great resources for all of the early career polar researchers in Canada!

For more info please check out our new website:
And if you'd like to join our APECS Canada Board please submit applications here by September 15th:
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Please feel free to distribute the application link broadly!  
Bonjour APECS Canada et ami.e.s de notre organisation,

Les applications sont maintenant ouvertes pour le comité exécutif d'APECS Canada 2017-2018 !

APECS Canada est un groupe varié de scientifiques débutant leurs carrières polaires et faisant partie du réseau international APECS. Les membres d'APECS Canada vivent et travaillent au Canada. Nous sommes impliqués au niveau de la recherche polaire, que ce soit en Arctique ou en Antarctique. Nos recherches se concentrent sur un large éventail de sujets, passant de l'océanographie, aux sciences politiques, à l'écologie des oiseaux et des baleines, jusqu'à la botanique... Nommez une thématique polaire et nous l'étudions sans doute !

APECS Canada a un comité exécutif formé de membres répartis partout au Canada. Nous travaillons à développer, au cours des mois et des années à venir, des ressources et des activités accessibles à toutes et tous les scientifiques au début de leurs carrières polaires au Canada.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre nouveau site web:
Si vous souhaitez vous joindre au comité exécutif d'APECS Canada, prière de soumettre votre application avant le 15 septembre:

Nous avons hâte d'avoir de vos nouvelles! S'il-vous-plaît, distribuez cet appel aux applications dans vos réseaux !


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Applications are now open for the 2017-2018 APECS Canada Board! Les applications sont maintenant ouvertes pour le comité exécutif d'APECS Canada 2017-2018!

Le français suit. 

Hello APECS Canada and friends,

Applications are now open for the 2017-2018 APECS Canada Board! 

APECS Canada is a diverse group of early career scientists who are part of the larger APECS network. We are involved in polar research, whether in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, and live or work in Canada. Our research runs the gamut – from ocean sciences to political sciences, from people, birds and whales to plants and permafrost…you name it, we've likely got it!

APECS Canada has a board formed of members from across Canada and we will be working over the coming months and years to create great resources for all of the early career polar researchers in Canada!

For more info please check out our new website: 

And if you'd like to join our APECS Canada Board please submit applications here by September 15th:  

Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Please feel free to distribute the application link broadly!  


Bonjour APECS Canada et ami.e.s de notre organisation,

Les applications sont maintenant ouvertes pour le comité exécutif d'APECS Canada 2017-2018!

APECS Canada est un groupe varié de scientifiques débutant leurs carrières polaires et faisant partie du réseau international APECS. Les membres d'APECS Canada vivent et travaillent au Canada. Nous sommes impliqués au niveau de la recherche polaire, que ce soit en Arctique ou en Antarctique. Nos recherches se concentrent sur un large éventail de sujets, passant de l'océanographie, aux sciences politiques, à l'écologie des oiseaux et des baleines, jusqu'à la botanique... Nommez une thématique polaire et nous l'étudions sans doute!

APECS Canada a un comité exécutif formé de membres répartis partout au Canada. Nous travaillons présentement (remove this word as it is repetitive from the previous sentence) à développer, au cours des mois et des années à venir, des ressources et des activités accessibles à toutes et tous les scientifiques au début de leurs carrières polaires au Canada.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre nouveau site web: 

Si vous souhaitez vous joindre au comité exécutif d'APECS Canada, prière de soumettre votre application avant le 15 septembre:  

Nous avons hâte d'avoir de vos nouvelles! S'il-vous-plaît, distribuez cet appel aux applications dans vos réseaux!

Meagan Grabowski
APECS Canada Chair

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Second call for nominations for the APECS Canada-ASA Mentor Award 2017

Hello APECS Canada folks and more! 


It is time to nominate a meaningful mentor in your life for the APECS-ASA Mentor Award! Mentors offer crucial contributions to study, research, and professional life. They help to establish supportive scientific communities.

The APECS Canada-ASA Mentor Award acknowledges the time and energy that mentors dedicate to early career researchers.

We encourage you as an ehPECS or ASA member, to nominate a mentor in your career or research world. The nomination deadline is Friday 15 September at 23:59 PST.

For more details please go to APECS Canada-ASA Mentor page on the APECS website or contact 2017 APECS Canada-ASA Mentor Award Chair, Marney Paradis ( See attached poster.


Hope everyone had safe and happy field seasons and looking forward to hearing your nominations for this award!

for the APECS Canada Board